Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Open Market preaching in Ocapa

YCVM recently did some open market preaching in the Ocapa region. The band also provided some music for the occasion.

Flooding in Kumi

Apparently there has been some flooding in the local communities. I don't have any details other than these pictures. I don't think any of the YCVM buildings were affected.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

YCVM band plays at Uganda independence day celebration

Silver sent some pictures of the YCVM band ministering to people at a recent district celebration of Uganda's independence. The band is seen here with Silver leading on the guitar, and the others playing traditional hand-made instruments.

Village house gets a roof

In the last few months, enough donations were received to continue construction of the Ngora village house to the roof level! Doors and windows are still to be added, as resources permit. We thank God for all of the generous people who contributed to this effort. And the YCVM orphans thank you for all of your support!