We are able to see iron sheets being fitted into the house.
Youth and Child Visionary Ministries is a local Christian effort to care for orphan children of Kumi in Eastern Uganda. The vision is to establish a self-sustaining boarding school. Silver Omakenyi is the director of YCVM. Silver, who is also an orphan, is currently caring for 11 younger orphans on his own. YCVM is supported by the fundraising efforts of Chinese Community United Methodist Church in Oakland, CA.
A truck bringing iron sheets.
Iron sheets being off-loaded.
Beam filling is being handled by these men.
Men doing ceiling work.
Roofing work begins, these men are making trances.
We can see trances for the schoo
Traces are already up on the school.
Honorable member of Uganda’s Parliament of Ngora constituency Dr. Epetait Francis visiting YCVM site, with one of YCVM members Oonyu Emma.
The house ready for the eve ceiling.
We can see the eve ceiling has been put and now the house is ready for iron sheets.
These are photos from ongoing construction of the YCVM boarding school.
Men busy tying the iron bars for the beam
The beam has already been tied and put up ready for form work and casting.
Men at the form work.
This is the lintel that can be mixed with the sand cement for casting the beam.
We can see the house has acquired the beam.
We received great news from Rev. Martin Odi and Silver who wrote that the school construction has been going very well. The construction manager Patrick Olupot recovered from his motorbike injuries, and the building will have the roof on by the end of the month! Praise God! This is much faster than expected, so we anticipate that finishing work will be starting early next year, if not sooner. Pray that we can raise funds for the electrical work, plumbing, heavy metal doors, flooring, and interior walls.
Silver, who had a serious medical problem, is recovering, with the help of medication. He was missing
his computer adapter, which prevented his communicating with us sooner.
The orphans are making progress in school, which began in September when we sent money to cover their school fees. Your prayers are needed especially for one of the girls, Among Martha, who is receiving special counseling. Currently we are supporting 11 orphans. Silver and the team devote
countless volunteer hours to tend to their physical, emotional and spiritual welfare. Pray for God’s grace and wisdom upon them all.
The U.S. Mission team from CCUMC has been on the presentation circuit, and they recently met with their neighbors down the street in Oakland Chinatown. About a dozen people were there to share in the journey once again. The team never gets tired of telling YCVM’s story!
A light lunch was served afterwards. The team wants to thank the Women’s Group for inviting us to speak.
The latest word from Kumi is that the boarding school roof will be completed this week. Unfortunately, Silver’s laptop AC adapter broke, which prevented him from sending photos of the progress. Uganda’s electrical infrastructure causes frequent problems with computers and laptops, and power supplies and AC adapters are very susceptible to surges and low-quality power. If anyone has a laptop to donate to YCVM, Silver will put it to good use!