Saturday, July 4, 2009

Commissioning of the Kumi Team from CCUMC

As mentioned a couple of posts back, a team of 8 from Chinese Community United Methodist Church will be traveling to Kumi, Uganda to partner with YCVM for a couple of weeks. During their stay, the team will participate in the construction of the boarding school, and conduct a Vacation Bible School type of program for youth in the community.

Every year at the Cal-Nevada Annual Conference of the UMC, all of mission teams in the conference that serve in that year are commissioned for their work. Since the Conference is in June, some teams have already returned from their trip, while others have yet to go. CCUMC's team of 8 attempted to be on-stage with all of the other Conference mission teams, but unfortunately arrived 15 minutes late due to unexpectedly bad traffic between the San Francisco area and Sacramento, where the Annual Conference was being held. However, later that night, the team was announced and prayed for during the Bay View district dinner, which was very meaningful. It also gave the team some publicity amongst the churches in the district, and some of them will be praying for the team.

Pictured above are some of the 8 team members who will be departing from San Francisco on July 7th. Be sure to check every day starting July 7th for daily updates on the trip!

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